Saturday, October 2, 2021

Tearmoon Empire Story Volume 1 Chapter 43

Hi everyone. Weslley here.

I know most of you don't read these announcements and go direct to the chapters. But for those of you who do read, I feel like I should explain why I was away for so long.

What happened?

Well, a lot of things, but it will take too long to tell everything, so I will stick with the 2 most important ones.

1. It started with crunch time at work, in order to reach a deadline. That is what made me stop for the first month. 

2. After that was over, my videocard broke. If any of you follow tech, you probably know my card choose the worst possible moment to break.

Luckily, my father had an old one laying around to lend me, but the card has a overheating problem. Meaning I can only use my computer for some hours before it shuts down while I use this card.

As much as a like translating these series for you guys, it doesn't put food on the table, so, I have to prioritize work.

What will happen them?

I will try translating at least on weekends. I don't know how that will go, but I hope everyone can be patient with me. 

I have 3 series, and I don't think I can translate all 3 in just 2 days. So, I'm still thinking on what to do.

I'm thinking of splitting Mofumofu into 3 parts, so each part is more or less the same size of Tearmoon.

On a better note.

So, some of you might have noticed that the site now has ads. The funny thing about that is that I applied while I was active translating, and was denied because of "lack of content". But after I stopped translating, I was approved.

I don't know what Google is feeding their algorithm, but they are cleary drunk. :D

Happy chapter everyone.

Volume 1 - Chapter 43


  1. Yeah... Its a really bad time to broke your videocard.

    Google adsense is reall drunk i also tried it once and they denied my blog for lack of contents(since im just starting) and approved it when im about to shutdown the site because my projects are done.

    Anyways welcome back! Albeit its it will be brief but its its nice to see you being active again.

    1. Thank you. It is good to be active again. :)

  2. Hang in there :D and thank you for the translation!

    1. It is the first time I see you commenting, so, welcome. And thank you. I will.
